Thursday, March 19, 2020
The Summary Of Getting Past No Essays - Negotiation, Free Essays
The Summary Of Getting Past No Essays - Negotiation, Free Essays The summary of "Getting Past No" (0) Introduction Each of us has to face tough negotiation with an irritable spouse, an ornery boss, a rigid salesperson, or a tricky customer. Under stress, even kind, reasonable people turn into angry, intractable opponents. In order to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement in an efficient and amicable fashion, this book introduces us the strategy of breakthrough negotiation. The breakthrough strategy is counterintuitive: it requires us to do the opposite of what we might naturally do in difficult situations. In addition, the essence of the breakthrough strategy is indirect action. Rather than trying to break down opponent's resistance, we make it easier for him to break through it themselves. In short, breakthrough negotiation is the art of letting the other person have our ways. (1) STEP ONE: Don't React \ Go To The Balcony The first step we need to do in dealing with a difficult person is not to control his behavior but to control our own. Because when we react-act without thinking, we usually neglect our interests. "Going to the balcony" means distancing ourselves from our natural impulses and emotions. From the balcony we can calmly evaluate the conflict, think constructively for both sides, and look for a mutually satisfactory way to resolve the problem. One the balcony, the first thing we need to do is figure out our interests. We also need to identify our BATNA- our Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. The agreement must satisfy our interests better than our BATNA could. Our BATNA should be our measuring stick for evaluating any potential agreement. Often we do not even realize we are reacting, because we are too enmeshed in the situation. Therefore, we need to recognize the tactic. Make a mental note when we detect a possible trick or subtle attack. By naming the game, we are able to neutralize it easily. Once we have named the game and stop our immediate reaction, the next step is to buy ourselves time to think-time to go to the balcony. Use the time to keep our eyes on the prize-an agreement that satisfies your interests, certainly better than our BATNA can. Instead of getting mad or getting even, concentrate on getting what we want. This is what going to the balcony is all about. (2) STEP TWO: Disarm Them \ Step To Their Side Before we can discuss the problem with the opponent, we need to disarm him. The secret of disarming is surprise. To disarm our opponent, we need to do the opposite of what he expects: step to his side, listen to him, acknowledge his point, and agree wherever we can. Listening requires patience and self- discipline. Instead of reacting immediately or plotting our next step, we have to remain focused on what our counterpart is saying. Listening gives us a chance to engage him in a cooperative task-that of understanding his problem. It makes him more willing to listen to us. After listening to our opponent, the next step is to acknowledge his point. Acknowledging the opponent's point does not mean that we agree with it. It means that we accept it as one valid point of view among others. The next step is to agree wherever we can. It is hard to attack someone who agrees with us. (3) STEP THREE: Don't Reject \ Reframe Instead of rejecting our opponent's position, we need to direct his attention to the problem of meeting each side's interests. Reframing works because every message is subject to interpretation. It means putting a problem-solving frame around our opponent's positional statements. A problem-solving question focuses attention on the interests of each side, the options for satisfying them, and the standards of fairness for resolving differences. Rather than trying to teach him ourselves, let the problem be his teacher. (4) STEP FOUR: Make It Easy To Say Yes \ Build Them A Golden Bridge At last we are ready to negotiate; however, our opponent may stall. Instead of pushing our opponent toward an agreement, we need to do the opposite. Our job is to build a golden bridge across the chasm. Building a golden bridge means making it easier for our opponent to overcome the four common obstacles to agreement: it means actively involving him in devising a solution
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Learning and Memorizing Latin Declension Endings
Learning and Memorizing Latin Declension Endings Usually, students learn one Latin declension at a time, so there is only one complete set of endings to learn. If you dont learn them when they are assigned, it will be harder when you have two or more sets to memorize together. The First Three Declensions Are Basic This wont help you pass your tests, but... if for some reason you are stuck learning all five Latin declensions at once, it should be somewhat comforting to know that the fourth and fifth arent that common, so if you know the first three, you will know far more than 60%. [Note: some very common words are in the 4th and 5th declension.] The following suggestions are based on the idea that once you have the first three down, the others will be easy enough. Use Your Own Learning Style Especially for people who learn like me a style I gather is called tactile or kinesthetic learning: write the declensions over and over and over again. Look for your own patterns. Then write them over and over and over again. I used to do this on a chalkboard which I could keep erasing and writing over, although the ideal would probably be the ancient Roman school boys wax covered blocks of wood with a stylus. Some might find looking at flashcards or saying the word over and over again works better. Recognize the Most Important and Least Used Forms The vocative and locative are rare, so learning just the nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative, should get you through most Latin. Of course, these cases have a singular and a plural form. Know the Equivalent in Your Native Language Based on my very first tearful day of Latin, it helps to know that these cases have equivalents in English. The nominative is the subject and the accusative is the object. The accusative can also be the object of a preposition. The ablative is also the object of a preposition, and the dative is called indirect object in English, which means it will be translated as to or for plus the noun. Recognize Regularities In Greek and Latin the nominative and accusative plural end in a for neuters.Since the first declension singular nominative and ablative also end in a, it is very useful to learn that the first declension singular ablative has a long mark or macron over it.The dative and ablative plural usually end in is in the first and second declension and in the third declension (and occasionally, the first), the s is separated from its vowel by a bu as in the third declension noun hostibuus and the first declension filiabus.The genitive plural ending can be thought of as um with prefixes of ar in the first declension and ur in the second declension.A is the vowel of the first declension and u or o for the second.The accusative singular has the vowel of the declension a/u/e plus m. The plural has the vowel a/o/e plus s.The nominative and genitive singular are shown in the dictionary form, so once the lexical item is known, the genitive should be obvious.The dative singular for the 1st declension is the same as the genitive singular.In the second and third declensions, the dative and ablative are the same. Write the declensions over and over and over again.
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